Student Leadership


 New G provides valuable leadership experience for singers.

Each year, an elected group of New G members is in charge of running the week-to-week activities. 

Executive Committee

The executive committee offers the opportunity for members to gain valuable leadership experience through increased responsibility.

The executive committee – aka “Exec” – are elected by the membership. Exec consists of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past-president, elected ‘at large’ representatives and five sponsors.

The officers are elected to lead the group in the planning, administration and implementation of New G activities as well as provide a communications link between the sponsors and membership.

Within New G, there are many moving parts which require leadership from Exec. Exec serves as the leadership hub of the group by creating, organizing and following up on ideas which help the group succeed. Their main duties are membership, social activities, financial resources and chairing various committees and work crews.

Main Duties:

  • Long range goal setting
  • Follow through
  • Oversee committees-report back
  • Weekly activities
  • Communication link between members/sponsors
Photo: New G Singers 2021-2022 Officers

2023-2024 Officers

Congratulations to the following on being elected officers and exec for the 2022-23 year:

Katie Mendenhall (President), Zamuel Brushwood (Vice-President), Lilly Carter (Secretary), and Ryder Mattox (Treasurer).

Photo: New G Singers youth leadership

2023-2024 Executive Committee Members

Front row (Left-Right): Madison Paden, Ethan Howell, Grace Feuerbacher, Luke Oswald, Molly Carlson (Past President) ; Back row: Ethan High, Allison Gentry, Macormick Carlson, Gabe Smith.

Everyone Leads: Work Crews

Work crews are led by the singers. Each singer has an assigned role within their crew. Sponsors help guide the crew by teaching them leadership skills.

New G has many work crews and committees that function through- out the year — especially during the summer — to organize many facets of the group. For example, on tour there are committees responsible for lights, risers, sound, taping cables, handing out programs and of course the ever favorite, bus clean-up.

During the year, a social committee plans many fun non-singing events and a worship committee plans weekly worship time during rehearsals — just to name a few.

Resources for Youth Leaders

Policies & Procedures

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Media Resources

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