Latest News

Stay up-to-date with what’s happening with the NG Singers. 

Sing-Out #8 – Royal Family Kids Camp

Have you sang at the Royal Family Kids Camp?  Have you attended a concert there?  Have you heard the story about who the camp serves during this time?  For those of you that has had the opportunity to be there you know that each of those kids consider you a...

Sing-Out #7 – Christ Lutheran Church of Wathena

There are lots of memories for some of us in this church.  This is the Church that a long standing support driver Mike Nelson and his family have attended.  His Wife Susan, and daughter Mary were members of New g.  When Mike's wife Susan passed away it was...

Sing-Out #4 – Good Shepherd Church of Gladstone

Today was many first.  Today was a day that many asked where Bemo and Carol were.  Today was a day that I think most of the singers, maybe even the sponsors, and possibly even the parents will remember.  It was a great day.  We were in a new to us church.  In an...

Sing-Out # 3 – WPBC Food Truck Friday

What a joy it was to do our first outside performance, and we are always grateful to be at Wyatt Park Baptist Church.  You can tell the Singers loved having the opportunity to no only be there to perform what they have practiced so hard on, but enjoyed having a...

Sing-Out #2 – First Baptist Church of Plattsburg

We visited Plattsburg First Baptist Church for the second time, and they are always so welcoming to us.  We are grateful for your generousity, and your kindness showing. I know the singers were very excited to be there, and EXCITED to perform their first full set...

Stay tuned.
